The Do’s And Don’t Of What To Include On Your Wedding Invitations

There is a whole lot of etiquette involved in wedding invitation wording and phrasing. When you're choosing what to include in your invitations, there are several things that are essential but there are also a few things you should avoid. Without further ado, here are a few tips that will ensure your invitations will be perfect, leaving a lasting impression on your guests.

What should be included in an invitation?

  • The names of the couple getting married. You want guests to know who is getting married, so include both your names in full at the top of the invite. You can use either first and last names or full names (including middle). Either way, make sure you’re consistent throughout the entire invitation suite.

  • The date and time of the wedding. Should go without saying, but sometimes these details get lost in between all the other details.

  • The location of both the ceremony and reception. This is the most important detail you need to include in your wedding invitations. After all, guests need to know where (and when) to show up! You should include both the ceremony and reception locations – if they’re being held in separate locations. You can also include a map or directions on a separate card if you’d like.

  • Request for a guest’s RSVP. A wedding invitation isn’t complete without an RSVP card, which allows the person receiving the invite to let you know whether they can attend or not. You can even make it more convenient for them by including a stamped, addressed envelope – all they have to do is slip their response in the mail.

What Not to Include on Your Wedding Invitations

  • Too much information. When it comes to wording and design, less is always more. Remember, your guests will receive other information closer to the wedding date (i.e., ceremony cards, hotel accommodations, and directions). They don’t need everything spelled out on an invitation. So keep the information simple and succinct.

  • Dress code. Sure, it's nice to give your guests a bit of guidance about what to wear so everyone looks the part for your big day. But it’s not necessary to put this information on your invitation. Instead, add a dress code line to your wedding website or spread the word via email or social media if you're concerned attendees won't know what’s appropriate. The less crowded your invitation is, the better!

  • Registry and gift information. It's not appropriate to include registry and gift information on your invite. Most people don't want their guests to feel obligated to get them a gift, and vice versa – most guests do not want to feel that obligation either.

  • Don’t use abbreviations. Use full names and spell out all words including street, avenue, and boulevard on your invitations.

There are many factors to consider when creating the perfect invitations for your big day. Just remember that legibility and clarity are key, and the style of your wording should complement your design. The more effort you put into creating these perfect invitations, the more likely your invitees will respond.

If you are looking for unique wedding invitations, and want them to be timeless and classy, please contact me!


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